0.5Hp 0.37 kW Water Pump Motor Winding Data | Kirloskar Pumps |Domestic Water pump motor winding data | Tulu Pump

0.5hp Motor Winding Data

0.5hp Motor Winding Data: Hello, Friends. I am Raj. In This Post, I described how We Can Rewind 0.5 hp 0.37 kW water pump motor winding data. You can also use this winding data in Kirloskar Pumps If Your Stamping is matched. This post also covers Tulu pump motor winding, domestic water pump motor winding data, and home water pump motor winding.

0.5hp मोटर वाइंडिंग डेटा: हैलो, दोस्तों। मैं राज हूं। इस पोस्ट में, मैंने बताया कि कैसे हम 0.5 hp 0.37 kW पानी पंप मोटर वाइंडिंग डेटा को रिवाइंड कर सकते हैं। यदि आपकी मोहर का मिलान किया जाता है, तो आप इस घुमावदार डेटा को किर्लोस्कर पंपों में भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं। इस पोस्ट में टुलु पंप मोटर वाइंडिंग, घरेलू पानी पंप मोटर वाइंडिंग डेटा और होम वाटर पंप मोटर वाइंडिंग भी शामिल हैं।

In this post, we have talked about the winding of the Water Motor Winding Data used in the house. Usually, our homes have a motor of 0.5 HP and power which works at 2800 Rpm. This motor rotates at 2800 RPM. With the help of this post, you can rewind the water motor very easily.

In the 0.5 Hp Water Motor Winding post, you have been told the easy way to rewind the water motor. With the help of this post, you can rewind the water motor very easily. The water motor will be 2800 rpm and work on 2 poles. The core length of the motor will be 24 watts. This motor is mentioned in the post of this motor.

Water Pump Motor Winding Details.

6 coils will be put in this Kirloskar Pump motor and six coils will be put up. The connection will be normal for this motor. You can also take out 4 wires from this motor. Two wires will be running winding and two wires will be starting winding. In this motor, you will have 7 Number Insulation Paper. You can use a white paper on the number.

You should not put a Green sheet in this motor because it has water, and due to this, its moisture content is high. Where the moisture content is high, the green sheet will not work, so you should use the white sheet in this motor. At the end of this post, you will also find videos related to this motor.

आपको इस मोटर में एक हरे रंग की चादर नहीं डालनी चाहिए क्योंकि इसमें पानी है, और इसके कारण, इसकी नमी सामग्री अधिक है। जहां नमी की मात्रा अधिक है, हरी शीट काम नहीं करेगी, इसलिए आपको इस मोटर में सफेद शीट का उपयोग करना चाहिए। इस पोस्ट के अंत में, आपको इस मोटर से संबंधित वीडियो भी मिलेंगे।

0.5Hp 0.37 kW Water Pump Motor Winding Data

0.5 HP Motor Full Winding Data

  • Slot=24
  • The core length of 2-inch
  • inner diameter  1″5 soot
  • Out diameter  3″5 soot.

  • Running Winding Pitch = 1-8 1-10 1-12
  • Water Pump Running Winding Turn = 90 90 90
  • SWG  =25 Number Copper Wire.
  • Winding Wire = Copper Wire
  • रनिंग वाइंडिंग पिच = 1-8 1-10 1-12
  • वाटर पंप रनिंग वाइंडिंग टर्न = 90 90 90
  • SWG = 25 नंबर कॉपर वायर।
  • घुमावदार तार = तांबा तार
  • रनिंग वायर वेट 450 ग्राम
Water Pump Running Winding Data ( Motorcoilwindingdata.com )
Coil Pitch 1-8Coil Pitch 1-10Coil Pitch 1-12Standard Wire NumberTotal Wire Weight
Turns =85Turns =85Turns 8525 Number Copper Wire400 Gram


  • Starting Coil Pitch = 1-8 1-10 1-12
  • Water Pump Running Winding Turn = 100 100 100
  • SWG  =27 Number Copper Wire.
  • Winding Wire = Copper Wire
  • कॉइल पिच शुरू करना = 1-8 1-10 1-12
  • पानी पंप घुमावदार मोड़ = 100 100 100
  • SWG = 27 नंबर कॉपर वायर।
  • घुमावदार तार = तांबा तार
  • रनिंग वायर वेट 300 ग्राम
0.5 Hp Staring Winding ( Motorcoilwindingdata.Com )
Coil Pitch 1-8Coil Pitch 1-10Coil Pitch 1-12Standard Wire NumberTotal Wire Weight
Turn =100Turns =110Turns =11027 Number Copper Wire300 Gram

0.5 hp water pump winding Connection.

0.5 hp water pump winding Connection,Tulu pump motor winding connection
0.5 hp water pump winding Connection,Tulu pump motor winding connection by motorcoilwindingdata.com

How To Rewinding Water Pump With Extra Joint Wire?

0.5 hp motor winding video

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0.5 HP Motor Winding Video

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