All Ceiling Fan Winding Data? How To Winding a Ceiling Fan?

all ceiling fan winding data

All Ceiling Fan Winding Data:- Motor Winding of a Ceiling Fan is very easy because nowadays all types of ceiling fan winding are done by a ceiling fan winding machine. We all know that in the olden days, all the ceiling fan winding was done by hand. Used to go. And it used to take a lot of time. And nowadays it is of very good quality.

The ceiling fan winding machine has come. Which winds your ceiling fan in just 20-30 minutes. Today’s Topic is Where Can We Find All Ceiling Fan Winding Data & How We do the winding of Ceiling Fans?

In this article you can find All Ceiling Fan Winding Data, All Types of Ceiling fan winding data like 12-slot ceiling fan winding,14-slot ceiling fans, 16-slot ceiling fan, High-speed ceiling fan winding data,6+6 slot ceiling fan winding, etc.

Together we will tell you All types of Winding data of the stator of ceiling fans. Whether it is a 12-slot ceiling fan. Whether it is a 14-slot ceiling fan. And Whether it is a 16 or 18-slot ceiling fan. So friends, let us know the winding data of all types of ceiling fans, straighter.

Friends, for example, the first winding inserted in the motor of a normal cooler motor is called the running coil winding. But in the case of a ceiling fan stator winding, it is exactly the opposite. The winding we insert first is called the starting winding. And the winding that follows We call it running call winding.

How To Find All Ceiling Fan Winding Data?

Today we will learn in this post how we can See All Ceiling Fan Winding Data, You Can Also Rewind 14 Slot Ceiling fans, 12+12 Slot Ceiling Fan Stators, and 16 slot Ceiling Fans. And together, we will know which is better for us, which of these ceiling fans has a long life, and which Ceiling fan will eat electricity, and which ceiling fan can be easily repaired, which ceiling fan can be fixed. It is challenging to repair this ceiling fan.

12+12 ceiling fan winding data:-

12 slot ceiling fan winding data is a high-speed ceiling fan that runs at a higher speed than 14 slot ceiling fan which has an RPM of around 370 and uses less copper winding wire than 14 slot ceiling fan,12 Slot Ceiling fan is also known as 12+12 ceiling fan winding data.

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots12+12 Slots
Running Coil Turns ( Up Side )_380 Turns
Running Winding Wire Number36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( Down side )350 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 12-slot ceiling fan winding data?

12 12 ceiling fan winding data video.

What is 14+14 Slot ceiling fan winding data?

Now we will talk about the 14+14 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data as we have said earlier it is a normal-speed ceiling fan with RPMs around 350. In the 14 Slot Ceiling ceiling fan,14 Slot ceiling fan is also known as 14 14 ceiling fan winding data.

We will insert 370 TURNS below which will be added with 35 number winding wire. In the Ceiling fan running coil winding, we will put 330 TURNS which will be entered from the same 35 number winding wire.

You should note that all this ceiling fan winding ceiling fan is done by the winding machine and this ceiling fan winding data works only on the ceiling fan winding machine.

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots14+14 Slots
Running Coil Turns ( Up Side Coils )330 Turns
Running Winding Wire Number35 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( Bottom Side )370 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 35 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 12-slot ceiling fan winding data?

14 Slot Ceiling fan winding data video.

14 slot ceiling fan winding

What is 16+16 Slot ceiling fan winding data?

Now let’s talk about the 16-slot ceiling fans and all ceiling fan winding data pdf downloads. The first 16-slot Ceiling Fan was created by the Orient Electric Company 16. Slot ceiling fans are still known as Orient Windings after Orient Fan, and some companies also have 16-slot ceiling fans.

The Ceiling Fans were made by some companies such as USHA Fans ARISTOCRAT, and T-SERIES FAN. Still, even today when the name of the 16 Slots Ceiling Fan comes first, The Orient Ceiling Fan is the first name,

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots16+16 Slots
Running Coil Turns ( Up Side Coils )350 Turns
Running Winding Wire Number36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( Bottom Side )380 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 16 slot ceiling fan winding data?

16 Slot ceiling fan winding video.

What is 18+18 Slot ceiling fan winding data?

This is the Orient Ceiling fan Stator, also known as 18+18 Slot ceiling fan stators,’ and this ceiling fan is mostly manufactured by Orient Electrical.

Volts220v Ac Supply
Model Orient PSPO Fans
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots18+18 Slots
Running Coil Turns ( Up Side Coils )380 Turns
Running Winding Wire Number36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( Bottom Side )350 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 16-slot ceiling fan winding data?

18 Slot-orient ceiling fan winding video.

16-slot ceiling fan winding

What is the 1400 Rpm ceiling fan winding data?

The 1440 Rpm ceiling fan is also known as a high-speed ceiling fan winding, The pole of a high-speed ceiling fan is approximately 4 poles and the Rpm is approximately 1400, The High-speed ceiling fan coil pitch will be 1-4 & 1-6 and this fan will be winding with a big coil like ( Lacha Coil )

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots24 Slots
Rpm1400 ( 4 Pole )
Coil Pitch1-4 & 1-6
Running Coil Turns ( 1-4 Pitch )240 Turns
Running Coil Turns ( 1-6 Pitch )480 Turn
Running Winding Wire Number36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( 1-4 Pitch )240 Turns
Starting Coil Turns ( 1-6 Pitch )480 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 1440 rpm ceiling fan winding data?

24 Slot high-speed ceiling fan winding video (#1 )

24 Slot ceiling fan rewinding video (#2 )

1400 rpm ceiling fan winding

What is the 6+6 coil High-Speed ceiling fan winding data?

The 6+6 Coil High-Speed Ceiling fan stator winding data is shown below, Total coils will be inserted in running winding 6 & also in the ceiling fan starting winding will be 6.

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots12+12 Slots
Rpm960 ( 6 Pole )
Running Coil Turns ( Up Side Coils )550 Turns
Running Winding Wire Number35 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( Bottom Side )660 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 6+6 coil ceiling fan winding data?

6+6 slot high-speed ceiling fan winding data

6+6 coil ceiling fan winding

4+4 Coil ceiling fan winding data?

Volts220v Ac Supply
Ceiling Fan Stator Slots24 Slots
Rpm1400 ( 4 Pole )
Coil Pitch1-4 & 1-6
Running Coil Turns ( 1-4 Pitch )240 Turns
Running Coil Turns ( 1-6 Pitch )480 Turn
Running Winding Wire Number36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Starting Coil Turns ( 1-4 Pitch )240 Turns
Starting Coil Turns ( 1-6 Pitch )480 Turns
Starting Winding Wire Number 36 Number ( Copper Wire )
Winding Wire TypeCopper Wire
Insulation Number7 No Pvc Paper
What is the 6+6 coil ceiling fan winding data?

High-speed ceiling fan winding video.

high-speed ceiling fan winding

How to calculate ceiling fan winding turns?

Note: The mix of the area and the span in the formula takes into account the burden of the wire.

Calculate the inductance associated with the twisting utilizing the formula L (u0 * A * N^2)/l where u0 is the permeability of free space at 12.56 x 10^-7. When N is 100 turns, l is 6 meters and A is 7.069 square meters.

Find the Number Of Wire Turns and also the length of the wire. Here is how many times the cable wraps around the iron center. Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications of this winding for those values. Call the amount of turns N and the length l.

A = 3.1415 * (1.5)(1.5) = 7.068 square meters.

How To Make Ceiling Fan Winding Machine by Kisan Engineering?

We Can not Rewind the Ceiling fan Stator without a Ceiling fan winding machine All types of ceiling fans is going to wind up from the Ceiling fan winding machine, as in the Ceiling Fan Winding machine, you do not have to use this data while rewinding the motor by hand. This winding data is only and only used in the Ceiling fan winding.

how to make a ceiling fan winding machine?

FAQ: All ceiling fan winding

Who invented the ceiling fan?

Philip Diehl, a German-American, was the inventor of the world’s first electrically powered ceiling fan in 1887.

Who invented the ceiling fan in India?

Crompton-Greaves, Ltd. of India invented ceiling fans with highly efficient cast aluminum housings in 1957, and Encon Industries was the first to import them into the United States in 1973.

when a ceiling fan is switched off?

When a ceiling fan is switched off, its angular velocity is reduced to half of its initial value after completing 36 rotations. The number of rotations it will make before coming to rest is assuming the angular retardation to be constant

how many watts is a ceiling fan?

An average ceiling fan consumes about 75 watts of electricity. It can vary according to brand, fan size, and many other factors

how to increase ceiling fan speed

Usually, a ceiling fan’s speed slows down only when its motor winding gets hot and the capacitor of the ceiling fan gets damaged. You can increase the speed of your ceiling fan by installing a new capacitor, it is an understatement to say that you can do more.

which ceiling fan is best in India

You can read the full article on the best ceiling fan in India

what is motor winding?

Motor winding refers to the wire coils wrapped around an electric motor’s core. These windings create a magnetic field when current flows through them, which interacts with the rotor to produce mechanical motion motor winding data by motor coil winding data com.

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