All Fan Winding Data | Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet.

All Fan Winding Data | Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet

All Fan Winding Data:- Looking for comprehensive information on Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet & fan winding data? You’ve come to the right place.

Our guide provides all the essential details you need for All Fan Winding Data, covering various aspects such as wire gauge, Fan winding patterns, and motor specifications.

Whether you’re a beginner seeking basic Ceiling Fan winding data or an experienced technician looking for advanced techniques, our resource has you covered. Explore our detailed guide to access all fan winding data you need for efficient and effective fan maintenance and repair. Unlock the secrets to optimal fan performance with our comprehensive resource today.

Ceiling Fan Winding Detail

Friends, for example, the first winding inserted in the normal cooler motor is called the running coil winding. But in the case of a ceiling fan winding, it is exactly the opposite. The winding we insert first in the bottom side is called the starting winding. And the winding that follows We call ceiling fan running winding.

The winding of the ceiling fan is very easy Also To Know Ceiling Fan Winding Data & Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet 14 slot Ceiling fan has different winding, 12 slots Ceiling fan has separate winding, and 16 slot Ceiling fan has different winding.

Here You Can Find Motor Winding Data Calculation, In which the motor stator is different, there is also a lot of difference in Ceiling Fan Stator Stamping. The 16-slot Ceiling fan is a slow speed ceiling fan, and the 14 slot ceiling fan is a Medium Speed Ceiling Fan, and the 12 slot Ceiling fan is high-speed Ceiling fan.

All Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

Today we will learn in this post how we can See All Ceiling Fan Winding Data, You Can Also Rewind 14 Slot Ceiling fans, 12+12 Slot Ceiling Fan Stators, and 16 slot Ceiling Fans. And together, we will know which is better for us, and which of these ceiling fans has a long life, and which Ceiling fan will eat electricity, and which ceiling fan can be easily repaired, which ceiling fan can be fixed. It is challenging to repair this ceiling fan.

all ceiling fan winding data
all ceiling fan winding data

रनिंग कॉइल और स्टार्टिंग कॉइल क्या है?

जैसा कि हम सबको पता है जितनी भी आम मोटर होती हैं जैसे की कूलर की मोटर वाइंडिंग वाशिंग मशीन की मोटर जहां कोई भी सिंगल फेस मोटर सभी मोटर्स में जो वाइंडिंग पहले डाली जाती है उसको रनिंग वाइंडिंग कहते हैं.

लेकिन सीलिंग फैन मोटर मेंइससे बिल्कुल उल्टा काम होता है जैसे की जो कॉइल्स मोटर वाइंडिंग में हम पहले डालेंगे उसको सीलिंग फैन मोटर की स्टार्टिंग वाइंडिंग जहां सेकेंडरी वाइंडिंग बोला जाएगाऔर जिन कॉइल्स को बाद में ऊपर वाले स्लॉट में डाला जाएगा उसको सीलिंग फैन मोटर वाइंडिंग की प्राइमरी वाइंडिंग जा रनिंग वाइंडिंग बोला जाता है.

Running coil starting coil jankari hindi.

14 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet.

First of all, we talk about Ceiling Fan Winding Data 14+14=28 Coils & 14 Slot Ceiling fan Winding Data 14 Slot ceiling fans have been very famous for some time. It is also much more economical, it is also easy to repair, and it did not give any problem in a Long Time Running. Used to Running, But after some time, 12 Slot Ceiling fans have come into The Market and taken over their place. In This Time Mostly Famous Ceiling Fans Brands Used 12 Slot motor stators are used in the ceiling fan.

  • Slot = 14+14 Coil
  • Running Turn = 370 Turn.
  • Starting Turn = 350 Turn.
  • Swg Wire Number = 35 Number

14+14 coil all celling fan winding data
14+14 coil all ceiling fan winding data

12 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet.

The 12-slot ceiling fan is made more because it is a high-speed ceiling fan. It is effortless to Mind 14 Motor ceiling fan is also less motor winding wire. There is a slight difference in the wire from the ceiling fan of 16 slots because the number of wires in the fan of 16 eaters remains around it while the 14 fan is always thinner than the ceiling fan. And it also takes very little time to wind up the fan of 12 slots.

12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data.
12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data
  • Slot = 12+12 Slots
  • Running Turn = 350 Turn.
  • Starting Turn = 340 Turn.
  • Swg Wire Number = 35 Number

12 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet.

Ceiling Fan Winding Turn Calculation Pdf.

Note: The mix of the area and the span in the formula takes into account the burden of the wire.

Calculate the inductance associated with the twisting utilizing the formula L (u0 * A * N^2)/l where u0 is the permeability of free space at 12.56 x 10^-7. When N is 100 turns, l is 6 meters and A is 7.069 square meters.

Ceiling Fan Winding Data Calculation Formula.

Find the Number Of Wire Turns and also the length of the wire. Here is how many times the cable wraps around the iron center. Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications of this winding for those values. Call the amount of turns N and the length l.

A = 3.1415 * (1.5)(1.5) = 7.068 square meters.

Ceiling Fan Winding.

First of all, let’s talk about how the 14 Slot Ceiling fan will be rewinded, and what is The Ceiling fan winding data, you will put in it. Only 14 COILS will be put at the bottom of 14 slots fan and 14 COILS above. The bottom winding that is inserted first in the Ceiling fan is always called the starting winding, and the top winding is called the running winding.

In the 14+14 Slot Ceiling fan, we will use 35 Number Winding Wire in the Starting Winding, and with 35 Number Winding Wire we will put 350 Turns in it, this will be our starting winding. In the Ceiling Fan with 14 Slots, we will use 34 number winding wire in the above winding, and we will Put 300 Turns in it With 34 Number Winding Wire. That will be the Ceiling Fan Running Winding (Primary Winding).

Fan Winding Video.

ceiling fan winding data


Ceiling Fan Winding Machine.

We Can not Rewind the Ceiling fan Stator without a Ceiling fan winding machine All types of a ceiling fan is going to wind up from the Ceiling fan winding machine, as in the Ceiling Fan Winding machine, you do not have to use this data while rewinding the motor by hand. This winding data is only and only used in the Ceiling fan winding.

fan winding machine

Where Can I Buy Ceiling Fan Winding Machine?

If you do not have a Ceiling fan winding machine if you want to purchase a new ceiling fan winding machine then you can go to our Amazon page, and from there you can buy the Ceiling fan winding machine very easily and very soon the Ceiling fan winding machine Home will be delivered to your home by Amazon. The link to our Amazon shop page Address is given below; you can see the price of the Ceiling Fan Winding Machine and its models by clicking there.

Ceiling Fan Winding Machine 2024? Fan Winding Machine Price?

ceiling fan winding machine in full detail

Buy a Ceiling Fan Winding Machine From Our Amazon Shop Page.

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All Types of Motor Winding Tools Check Out Here:-

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12+12 coil ceiling fan winding data

Now we will talk about the 12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data as we have said earlier it is a high-speed ceiling fan with RPMs around 400. In the 12 Ceiling ceiling fan,

We will insert 380 TURNS below which will be added with 36 number winding wire. In its running winding, we will put 350 TURNS which will be entered from the 36-number winding wire itself, this 12 SLOT Ceiling fan also will be Ceiling fan winding Will rewind from the Winding machine itself.

 Below we have told you in Detail that the complete winding data of rewinding 12 Slot ceiling fans have been described in detail. Also along with a link to the video of our YOUTUBE channel, you can very quickly rewind these wings by looking at it.

  • Slot = 12+12 Coil
  • Running Turn = 380 Turn.
  • Starting Turn = 350 Turn.
  • Swg Wire Number = 36 Number Copper
1212 slot ceiling fan winding. Slot Ceiling Fan Stamping Details


16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

Now let’s talk about the 16 Slot Ceiling-fan ceiling fans, This Fan was first created by the Orient Electric Company 16 slot fans are still known as Orient Ceiling Fan Windings, after Orient Fan and some companies also have 16-slot ceiling fans. The fans were made by some companies such as USHA Fans ARISTOCRAT, and T-SERIES FAN. Still, even today when the name of the 16 Slots Ceiling Fan comes first, The Orient Ceiling Fan is the first one, orient is the largest 16-slot ceiling fan manufacturer in India.

Orient Ceiling Fan 16 Slot Winding.

Orient Ceiling Fan 16 Slot In addition to Also make fans with 18 SLOTS named ORIENT PSPO. It was a very successful wing model that became very popular. And these fans used to last very long.

Apart from the Orient Ceiling Fan, if there is any other company that makes 18 fans and 20 eat ceiling fans, it is CROMPTON GREAVES FANS. This company is number one in India in making electrical GOODS;

There are many products related to this company related to electrical, such as Electric motors, Ceiling fans, cooler fans, geysers, heaters, and lighting units, in addition, there are many electrical products that The company is building and is a trusted electric brand in India.

16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.
16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.


Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan. 

Crompton Greaves  had a model that is still available today, the HIGH BREEZE FAN, it was a very well-sold ceiling fan in India, the fan had a much larger Winding Stator,

but its stamping was less near about 4 Soot, The winding Stamping used to be very good, This fan was used For Running for years without any problem.

Another feature of this fan is that Fan Is Running a little bit slow but has a very good Air-Flow of the air, a very good ceiling fan model from Crompton Greaves.

Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan
Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan

Ceiling Fan Wiring Connection Diagram Pdf.

By looking at the Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram of a ceiling fan connection, you will find out very easily how to make three-wire fan connections and how to make four-wire ceiling fan connections, so do check the ceiling fan Connection Diagram.

Ceiling Fan Connection by

Ceiling fan winding data sheet

The Ceiling fan winding data sheet is given in detail below, you can very carefully note the Ceiling fan winding data and can rewind the ceiling fan very easily.

Ceiling fan winding TURN CALCULATION is very easy to do, you can very easily do Ceiling fan winding TURN CALCULATION by viewing the Ceiling fan winding data SHEET,

All Fan Winding Data.

All Fan Winding Data.:- Here You can watch All Ceiling Fan Winding Data and you can also check the link for All Ceiling Winding Data with more detail you can also check the Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet There.

All Fan Winding Data.
All Fan Winding Data.

all motor winding data

12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data.
12+12 Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

12-slot ceiling fan winding data

  • Ceiling Fan Slots 12+12 = 24
  • Fan Starting Turns 380 Turns
  • Ceiling Fan Running Turn = 350 Turns

Staring Winding Wire Number = 36

Primary Winding Wire Number = 35

Ceiling Fan Winding Data 14+14=28 Coils

14 Slot all ceiling fan winding

14 Slot all ceiling fan winding

14 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

  • Ceiling Fan Slots =14+14 = 28
  • Fan Starting Turns= 350
  • Ceiling Fan Running Turn = 330

Staring Winding Wire Number = 35 No Copper Wire

Primary Winding Wire Number = 34 No Copper Wire


16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

16+16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

  • Ceiling Fan Sots =16+16 = 32
  • Fan Starting Turns= 350 Turns
  • Ceiling Fan Running Turn = 380

Staring Winding Wire Number = 36

Primary Winding Wire Number = 35


16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.
16 Slot Ceiling Fan Winding Data.

High-Speed Ceiling Fan 4+4 Coil Winding Data Sheet.

6+6 Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet Here.

Motor Winding Farma Details Price Online?

Best Motor Winding Farma In India?
Best Motor Winding Farma In India?

motor winding farma


Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan Price.

Crompton Greaves is one of the leading consumer companies in India with a 75+ years old brand legacy. As of February 2016, we are an independent company under professional management and have 2 business segments – Lighting and Electrical Consumer Durable. We market our products under the “Crompton” brand name in India and select export markets.

You can visit our Amazon Shop page for full details and all Crompton Greaves Ceiling Fan Price lists and all new updated models. Here you can see the Top 5 Ceiling Fan Price List In India. The link is given below.

You can also visit our Amazon Shop page for full details and all Orient Ceiling Fan Pricelist and all new updated models. Here you can see the Top 5 Ceiling Fan Price List In India. The link is given below.

  1. Ceiling Fan Wiring Diagram.
  2. Cooler Motor Connection With Regulator.
  3. 3 Speed Cooler Motor Connection Diagram.
  4. Cooler Motor Winding Data.
  5. Farata Fan Motor Winding Data.
  6. Pedestal Fan Motor Winding Data.
  7. High-Speed Ceiling Fan Winding Data.
  8. Water Pump Motor Winding Data.
  9. Exhaust Fan Motor Winding Data.
  10. Table Fan Motor Winding Data.

Ceiling Fan Winding Questions & Answers.

Do ceiling fans need to be oiled?

No ceiling fan does not need any kind of mobile oil because most ceiling fan comes with double ball bearings and the ball bearing always uses ap3 grease.
In my opinion ceiling fan does not require any kind of Oil.

Which is the best ceiling fan winding machine?

Kisan Engineering KIJ 117 पंखा वाइंडिंग मशीन is The Best Ceiling Fan Winding Machine? You Can See Full Details Of CEILING Fan Winding In This Article.
You can buy here any kind of Ceiling Fan Winding Machine from given link below.

Which winding is better a Motor Winding for a ceiling fan?

Copper Winding Is best for ceiling fans.

Which type of winding is used in a ceiling fan?

Ceiling fans typically use a type of winding called a Motor” stator winding.” This winding is stationary and is responsible for creating a rotating magnetic field when electricity is supplied to the fan

What is the direction of winding a ceiling fan?

Ceiling fan connection

The ceiling fan rotation direction is Clockwise.

Some Interesting Ceiling Fan Post Here.

2 thoughts on “All Fan Winding Data | Ceiling Fan Winding Data Sheet.”

  1. Pankaj kalasua.

    पखा वारिग और मोटर वारिग का काम सिखना है

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