Cooler Motor Winding There are two types of stamping in the Cooler Motor Winding one is 24 slot cooler motor winding data and the second is 36 slot Cooler motor winding. There are two types of Cooler Motor Winding 24 slots and 36 slots. In the 24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding Normally we are used 4 coils in the Cooler Motor Running Winding and Also Used Four Coils In The Starting Windings
Topics Cover In This Post
- 1 Cooler Motor Winding Data
- 2 24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding Data (Primary)
- 3 Cooler Motor Capacitor Capacity.
- 4 Cooler Motor Winding Data.
- 5 24 Slot.Cooler Motor Rewinding.
- 6 Cooler Motor Single Speed Full Winding Data.
- 7 3 Speed Cooler Motor Coils Data?
- 8 Two Speed Cooler Motor Wiring Diagram.
- 9 Cooler Motor Winding Connection.
- 10 Three Speed Cooler Motor Winding Connection Diagram.
- 11 Why Cooler Motor Heating Up Quickly?
- 12 कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग करने के बाद गर्म क्यों होती है?
- 13 24 Slot Cooler Motor Rewinding Winding Video Watch Here.
- 14 3 Speed Cooler Fan Motor Winding Video?
- 15 Cooler Motor Connection Diagram?
- 16 Cooler Motor Connection Diagram Download Here
- 17 Best Cooler Motor Here:-
- 18 Faq Cooler Motor Common Questions & Answers?
Cooler Motor Winding Data
Slot | 24 |
Rpm | 1400 |
Watts | 379 |
Voltage | 220-230 (Single Phase Supply ) |
Capacitor | 4 Mfd |
Core Length | 1 Inch |
Inner Diameters | 3 Inches |
Outer Diameter | 5 Inches |
Pole | 4 Poles |
Copyrights | |
Winding Wire | Copper Winding |
The cooler motor mostly comes in 24 and 36 slots, the 24 Slot motor that we are winding in 3 speed and the 36 slots Cooler motor winding can be Rewinding in 30 minutes with little comfort because the 36-slot motor has more space than a 24-slot motor,
- Slot = 24
- Core Length = 1 inch
- Inner Diameter = 3 Inch
- Outer Diameter = 5 inch
24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding Data (Primary)
- Coil Pitch = 1-4 & 1-6
- Coil Turn = 150 & 300
- Coil Layer = 1 & 2
- Wire No = 29 Number
- Wire Type = Copper Wire
24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding Data (Secondary)
- Coil Pitch = 1-4 & 1-6
- Coil Turn = 165 & 330
- Coil Layer = 1 & 2
- Wire No = 33 Number
- Wire Type = Copper Wire
24 Slot Cooler Motor Vs 36 Slot Cooler Motor.
The 24 Slot Cooler Motor is Easy to Rewinding Than 36 Slot Cooler Motor and Also 24 Slot Cooler Motor Takes Less Time than 36 Slot Cooler Motor.
So that reason in current market 24 Slot Cooler Motor is more famous and sells than 36 slot cooler motors,
But When we Talk about the long life of two types of cooler than 36 Slot Cooler Motor provides better performance and longer life than 24 Slot Cooler Motor.
Whenever you turn off the cooler motor, first clean the cooler motor perfectly and then put the insulation paper in it. Insulation paper Use number 7 Numer, the paper which is number 7 should be white paper and you can also use Krempel Paper.
There are so many Electrical Insulation Paper manufacture companies in India
- Krempel Electrical insulation paper.
- Beiko Electrical Insulation Paper.
- Darbara Plastic Type insulation paper.
You should never put a Green Paper Sheet in the Cooler Motor Winding because the green sheet does not work well in the cooler. The problem is that The cooler also works with water and its Moisturizer Master Hats moisture content is higher and therefore does not work in the Green sheet.
Cooler Motor Capacitor Capacity.
Cooler motor winding we mostly rewind at 1440 Rpm. Winding is also done in high-speed motors of some coolers.
In India and some Asian countries, this cooler motor operates at 200 volts. You can install a capacitor of 4 mfd in a Cooler Motor Capacitor Capacity…..आप नार्मल 24 स्लॉट कूलर में 4Mfd का कापसिटर लगा सकते है
Bush And Bearing in Cooler Motor.
In Normal Cooler motors, We Normally use a Shaft and Bush and in some cooler motors we have also used bearings that are better than a BUSH. Bearing is more reliable and provides a longer life in a motor than a bush, quality motors are used nowadays, and motors with bearings are better than bush motors because the bearings last longer than the bush and do not deteriorate quickly.
You Can Buy Our Best Recommended Cooler From Our Amazon ShopHere. Please Check It.
Cooler Motor Winding Data.
There are several precautions that you should be doing cooler motor winding data. First of all, clean the cooler motor properly. After thoroughly cleaning the cooler motor stator, you put the 7-number insulation paper in it. You can put 7 Numbers on the insulation paper.
You should never forget to put a green sheet in the cooler motor. Because water runs in the cooler during the summer season. The green sheet quickly deteriorates due to running water. Because the green sheet is not plastic there is a lot of chance that it will deteriorate due to water moisture.
24 Slot.Cooler Motor Rewinding.
While doing the 24 Slot Cooler Motor Rewinding, make 8Pc coils of the cooler winding. A total of 4 coils will go into it. 4 coils will be of the running winding and 4 coils will be of the starting winding of the cooler motor. Running winding is called bottom winding in most motors and upward winding is often called starting winding.
कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग 2 तरीके से की जाती है एक होता है सिंगल स्पीड और दूसरा होता है थ्री स्पीड वाइंडिंग। सिगल स्पीड वाइंडिंग में टोटल 4 तार बहार आती है जबकि थ्री स्पीड वाइंडिंग में काम से काम 6 तार बहार आती है। सिंगल स्पीड वाइंडिंग में लाल रंग की तार आप रनिंग वाइंडिंग में लगा सकते है।
कूलर फैन की मोटर 5 ब्लेड्स वाली है जो की 1400 RPM स्पीड पर काम करती है और इस विडियो में हमने इसको सीधी दिशा में घूमने के लिए वाइंडिंग किया है.
Cooler Motor Single Speed Full Winding Data.
अगर आप कूलर की मोटर को सिंगल स्पीड में वाइंडिंग करना चाहते है तब आप नीचे चार्ट में दिया गया डाटा डाल सकते है.
कूलर मोटर की रनिंग वाइंडिंग का पूरा डाटा आप यहाँ पर देख सकते है यहाँ पर हमने कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग का पूरा डाटा तार नंबर टर्न और कएल साइज़ सब के बारे में आपको बताया है .और नेक्स्ट चार्ट में आप कूलर मोटर की स्टार्टिंग वाइंडिंग के बारे में देखना मत भूले.
3 Speed Cooler Motor Coils Data?
Loop Number | Coil Turns | Wire Number |
First Loop | 30 Turns | 32 Number |
Second Loop | 40 Turns | 32 Number |
Third Loop | 100 Turns | 29 Number |
Two Speed Cooler Motor Wiring Diagram.
The Cooler motor winding is done in two ways – one is a single-speed Cooler Motor and the other is a Three-speed Cooler winding. A total 4 winding comes out in the single-speed winding, while in the three-speed winding, the work is 6 wires out
Three Speed cooler motor winding Life is small compare to single-speed cooler motor winding, so we are always recommended to keep single-phase winding.
In single-speed Motor winding, you can put the Red-coloured wire in the running winding. And you can put the black wire in the starting winding.
Cooler Motor Winding Connection.
A total of 6 wires come out in 3-speed winding. Cooler Motor Winding Connection Is Very Easy. The blue wire is a Common wire in the cooler motor. The red wire has a working speed, the white wire has a Medium speed, and the Black wire has a high speed, which is the fastest. And after that, there is a 2-wire starting winding.
कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग कनेक्कशन वायर कलर कोड कौन कौन से है ?.
कूलर मोटर की वाइंडिंग से टोटल चार तार बहार आती है उसमे एक तार नीले रंग की होती है जो के कूलर मोटर की कॉमन तार कहलाती है.
उसके बाद Black Wire को के कूलर मोटर की हाई स्पीड की तार होती है ,और इसके साथ White Wire जानीके सफ़ेदरन की तार जो के कूलर की मोटर को मध्यम स्पीड में चलने में मदद करती है .
और अंत में Red Wire मतलब लाल रंग की तार जो के कूलर की मोटर को सबसे कम स्लो स्पीड में चलती है.
कूलर मोटर के सिंगल स्पीड में कनेक्शन कैसे करें?
अगर आपने कूलर की मोटर को सिंगल स्पीड में चलाना है तो आपने कूलर की मोटर में जो मेन सप्लाई आती है उसको सिर्फ और सिर्फ Blue wire and Blck Wire से जोड़ देना है.यहाँ पर यह बात ध्यान देने वाली है के आपने बाकि जो दो तारे है मतलब लाल और सफेद रंग को उनको अलग अलग रखना है उसको आपस में जोड़ना नहीं है.
At the time of the Cooler winding Connection, you will Use Wire Number 29 in its running winding. And you can enter 33 numbers in the starting winding. The motor winding will have a pitch of running winding 1 to 4 and 1 to 6. You will put Coil once in 1 to 4 pitches. In the winding of the cooler motor, in 1 to 6 pitch, Coils will have to rotate 2 times.
You can take the help of our YouTube channel for easy winding of the Cooler motor And Cooler Motor Winding Connection Diagram. By watching this video, you can wind the cooler motor very easily And make Cooler Motor Winding Diagram. You can click on the link given below for more information. And if you get a little help in this video and from this post then don’t forget to like our videos and posts.
पूरा वाइंडिंग डाटा हिंदी में देखने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Three Speed Cooler Motor Winding Connection Diagram.
Why Cooler Motor Heating Up Quickly?
If your Cooler Motor Is Heating Up too soon or too much, then either there is the aluminium wire used in its wiring (aluminium being a not-so-good conductor, heats up easily due to excessive electrical losses,
that’s why the copper wire is preferred in high-performance motors) or the bearings are faulty resulting in more friction or this motor is mounted in a way that the moving air isn’t able to take away it’s heated effectively. in another way, if your Cooler Motor Shaft & Bush are loose then your Cooler motor heating up quickly, and maybe the winding is bursting. so please check the cooler motor Bush and Shaft properly before fitting the cooler motor.
Due to the electrical losses and the high-speed mechanical action, every motor heats up.
कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग करने के बाद गर्म क्यों होती है?
अक्सर हमारे बहुत सारे दोस्त हमसे पुश्ते है कि हमारी मोटर वाइंडिंग करने के बाद बहुत ज्यादा गरम हो रही है तू दोस्तों जहां आपको यह जान लेना बहुत जरूरी होता है कि मोटर गर्म होने में हर बार आप की मोटर वाइंडिंग का ही दोष नहीं होता जहां आपको और भी बहुत सारी बातों का ध्यान रखना कि नहीं होता है.
मोटर गर्म होने के मुख्य कारण यह होते हैं.
- Shaft And Bush का घिस जाना.
- कैपसिटर का खराब होना.
- मोटर वाइंडिंग के कनेक्शन गलत कर देना.
- मोटर रिवाइंडिंग करते समय किसी कोयल को उल्टा डाल देना.
- कूलर मोटर को अच्छी तरह से फिटिंग ना करना.
- मोटर के रोटर का स्टेटर से चलते समय टकराना मतलब टच करना..
- कूलर मोटर में तार नंबर गलत डाल देना.
- मोटर के कोयल में टर्न कम डाल देना.
- कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग का डाटा गलत होना.
- मोटर फिटिंग करते समय मोटर रोटर का एक बराबर ना चलना.
इसके अलावा और भी बहुत से कारण होते हैं जिनकी वजह से मोटर गर्म होती है हमने आपके लिए नीचे कुछ वीडियो दिए हैं जिनको देखकर आपको जय समझने में बहुत आसानी होगी, कि आखिर आप की मोटर वाइंडिंग करने के बाद गर्म क्यों होती है. उन वीडियो को देखना मत बोलिए और साथ में इन वीडियो को लाइक करना भी मत बोलिए और हमारे Electricals Trendz यूट्यूब चैनल को भी साथ में सब्सक्राइब कर लीजिए जब भी नया वीडियो आए आपको सबसे पहले यूट्यूब की तरफ से नोटिफिकेशन मिल जाए.
मोटर वाइंडिंग गर्म होने के कारण के विडियो यहाँ पर देखें.
24 Slot Cooler Motor Rewinding Winding Video Watch Here.
3 Speed Cooler Fan Motor Winding Video?
Cooler Motor Winding Image.
Cooler Motor Connection Diagram?
3-Speed Cooler Motor Winding Premium Video Watch Here FREE:-
24-Slot Cooler Motor Rewinding & Winding Data Here
- Slot. 24.
- watts 370.
- Rpm 1440.
- Cooler Motor Capacitor = 4 MFD
- Pole = 4 pole motor winding.
- Capacitor 4 mfd in 220 volts to 240 volts.
- VOLTS =220.
- 5 mfd in the down voltage area.
- RPM = 1440
- Power- Supply = Single Phase Supply 220 Volts.
- Winding Wire = Copper Wire.
- Core length 1 inch
- Outer diameter 5 inch
- Inner diameter 3 inch
2 Speed Cooler Motor Winding Data Is Here.
This is speed coil detail
Pitch 1-4 1-6
Turns 70 130
Swg 32 30 [copper]
3-Speed Cooler Motor Winding Data Coils Turns.
First swg —-31 —- -Turns ==40 (speed coil)
Next swg —31 —— Turns ==60 (speed coil)
Next swg —-29 —– -Turns===110 (speed coil)
24 Slot Cooler Motor Running Winding Data Here:-
अगर आप इस मोटर को सिर्फ और सिर्फ सिंगल स्पीड बनाना चाहते है तब आप चारो कॉइल्स में सिर्फ यही डाटा डाल सकते है. [ 30/165-330 ]
Running pitch 1-4 and 1-6
Running Turns 165 330
coil. 1-4 (1 baar gumana)
Coil. 1-6( 2 baar gumana hai)
Running Winding Swg Number = 30 ( Wire Number ) [copper]
24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding (Starting Winding)
Starting pitch 1-4 and. 1-6
Coil Pitch. 1-4. 1-6
Coil Turn 160. 320
Swg Starting Motor Winding = 32 ( Wire Number ) [Copper]
Total coils 8 pc
4 coils in running
4coils in. starting
Cooler Motor Coil size is = 25.5 inch
Cooler Motor Connection Diagram Download Here
Best Cooler Motor Here:-
- Strong Power And High Lift – Gives You A True Flow Rate Of 1250 Lph ( At Zero Height ) And A Water Lift Of 1.98M/6.5 Feet, 20W…
- Multi Uses & Safety- Safe For Fish With No Exposed Copper And Oil-Free. This Reliable, Ultra-Quiet Submersible Pump Is Excellent…
- Low Electricity Consumption – This 165-240Ac/50 Hz And Useful Cooler And Fountain Pump Work At20 Watts Which Is Good Enough For…
- Thermal Protection – Generally Submersible Pump Is Required To Operate Inside The Water When Run Without Water They Get Damaged…
- Our GLUN 18W Water Pump Motor can lift water up to 5-6 feet. The water pump is equipped with a robust 18-watt motor, providing…
- An 18-watt water pump is a device that can be used in various place, Aquariums, Cooling Systems, Fountains, Hydroponic Systems,…
- GLUN 18 Watt Water Pump can pump 1000 liters of water in approximately 1 hour.
- With the GLUN 18 Watt Water Pump you get a 2 Pin Plug, 18 Watt pump and 1/2 inch output pipe.
- With a compact form factor, the pump is designed to fit into confined spaces easily
- Heavy Duty Pump: – Submersible water pump with 40 W motor can lift water up-to 3m with water flow rate of 1350 l/h (approx.)….
- Multi-purpose: -It can be used in coolers, ponds, fountains, aquarium, etc.
- Efficient: -This water pump is highly efficient and save on operational cost. 220-240V/50 Hz submersible pump not only save…
- Detachable and Cleanable: – No-tool detachable makes the cleaning process even easier as you do not require any tool to detach and…
- Built Quality: – This pump is made from Non – Recycled ABS virgin plastic which makes the pump more durable for long run.
- Urja Enterprise Cooler Motor
- Motor RPM 1365
- Cooler Motor
- Eco-friendly cooler motor
- Specifically Fitted with 4 Core Setup
- Package: 1 x AC Synchronous Motor
- It is small power consumption, torque, low noise, small size, light weight, easy to use
- Rated Voltage: AC 100-127V
- Wide applicaions:good synchronous motor for hand-made,model such as heater machine,electric fan,air conditioner,popcorn…
- Strong Power And High Lift – Gives You A True Flow Rate Of 1100 Lph (At Zero Height) And A Water Lift Of 1.85M /6 Feet, 18W…
- Multi Uses & Safety- Safe For Fish With No Exposed Copper And Oil-Free. This Reliable, Ultra-Quiet Submersible Pump Is Excellent…
- Low Electricity Consumption – This 165-240Ac/50 Hz And Useful Cooler And Fountain Pump Work At 18 Watts Which Is Good Enough For…
- Thermal Protection – Generally Submersible Pump Is Required To Operate Inside The Water When Run Without Water They Get Damaged…
Faq Cooler Motor Common Questions & Answers?
Which type of motor is used in air coolers?
In The air cooler generally the motor use is 3 Speed Cooler Motor.This motor is normally working on single phase power supply.
Normally in Air cooler we are used 1 Inch and 3/4 inch Stamping size.cooler motor comes with 24 Slot and 36 Slots.
here in our post you can watch the Cooler Motor full details Like.
- 3 Speed Cooler Motor winding.
- Single Speed cooler motor winding data.
- Three Speed cooler motor connection.
- Cooler motor connection.
- Cooler motor winding connection colour code.
- All cooler motor winding data.
- Cooler motor capacitor value.
How to get before thunder cooler blower motor price?
here in india so many companes making difference typest of cooler and air coolers.
you can watch here full detail of cooler motor with price.
How to purchase symphoy air cooler moter?
If you want to purchase Symphony Air cooler motor you can visit symphony air cooler store on amazon here.
You can also check all types of cooler motor price with buying guide.
What is the 24 Slot Cooler Motor Winding data?
you can rewinidng 24 slot cooler motor winding with 29 and 33 number and also rewinding with 30+32 number.
you can watch here full winding data detail.
Cooler Motor Ke Connection Kaise karte Hai ?
कूलर मोटर की वाइंडिंग से टोटल चार तार बहार आती है उसमे एक तार नीले रंग की होती है जो के कूलर मोटर की कॉमन तार कहलाती है.
उसके बाद Black Wire को के कूलर मोटर की हाई स्पीड की तार होती है ,और इसके साथ White Wire जानीके सफ़ेदरन की तार जो के कूलर की मोटर को मध्यम स्पीड में चलने में मदद करती है .
और अंत में Red Wire मतलब लाल रंग की तार जो के कूलर की मोटर को सबसे कम स्लो स्पीड में चलती है.
aap yaha par cooler motor ke connection diagram ki poori detail dekh sakte hai.
कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग करने के बाद ग्राम क्यों होती है?
- Shaft And Bush का घिस जाना.
- कैपसिटर का खराब होना.
- मोटर वाइंडिंग के कनेक्शन गलत कर देना.
- मोटर रिवाइंडिंग करते समय किसी कोयल को उल्टा डाल देना.
- कूलर मोटर को अच्छी तरह से फिटिंग ना करना.
- मोटर के रोटर का स्टेटर से चलते समय टकराना मतलब टच करना..
- कूलर मोटर में तार नंबर गलत डाल देना
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