Induction Motor 1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm.

Induction Motor 1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm.

induction motor 1hp single phase motor winding data of 1440 rpm induction motor winding data coil turns An induction motor or asynchronous motor is an AC electric motor winding connection in which the electric current in the rotor required to generate torque is obtained by electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator winding. Therefore roto motor can be made without an electrical connection.

single-phase induction motor?

A single-phase 1Hp 1400 Rpm Ac motor is an electric motor that converts to mechanical energy to perform certain physiological tasks. This inductor motor only needs one power stage for their proper operation induction motor winding data.

induction motor 1hp single phase 1440 rpm motor winding data coil turns
induction motor

Single-Phase Motor Winding Watch Video Here.





Induction motor winding Video?


This is Crompton Greaves 1 Hp Single Phase Motor.
Induction Motor 1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm by
1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm by
Start with running the second coil.
Induction Motor 1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm by
Single Phase Induction Motor 1hp Single Phase Motor Winding Data 1440 Rpm by


You can watch full information on our YouTube channel. Electricals Trendz.


Single Phase Induction Motor Winding Data Is Here

  • Hp =1.Hp Single Phase Motor.
  • Rpm = 1400.

  • Pole = 4 POLE.
  • Winding Wire = Copper Wire.

  • Supply = Single phase.

Core Length = 3 inch 2 soot.

inner Diameter = 4 inch

Outer Diameter = 6 inch 1 Doot.

रनिंग वाइंडिंग डाटा यहाँ पर देखें.

Running pitch 1-4.1-6.1-8

                                               Coil Pitch           Coil Turns

1-4-                    24
1-6 –                   60
1-8 –                   88

Swg Wire Number  = 21 (Copper )


Coil PitchCoil Turns.Swg Wire NumberWinding Wire
1-424 Turns.21 NumberCopper Wire
1-660 Turns.21 Number.Copper Wire.
1-888 Turns.21 Number Copper Wire

स्टार्टिंग वाइंडिंग का डाटा यहाँ पर देखें.

Coil Pitch     Coil Turns

1-4                  21

1-6                  41

1-8                  61

Swg ( Wire Number )       = 23 ( Copper )

Coil PitchCoil Turns.Swg Wire NumberWinding Wire
1-421 Turns.23 NumberCopper Wire
1-641 Turns.23 Number.Copper Wire.
1-861 Turns.23 Number Copper Wire


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