Kenstar cooler motor winding data | Air Cooler Motor Winding data.

Kenstar cooler motor winding data and connection diagran

हेलो दोस्तों आज हम जानेंगे फिर कैसे हम एक Kenstar cooler motor winding ( केनस्टार कूलर मोटर की वाइंडिंग) कर सकते हैं और इसके साथ हम जानेगे के Kenstar Cooler Motor ( कूलर की मोटर) में कौन सा तार नंबर डाला जाएगा इस मोटर की वाइंडिंग की Coil Turns कितनी रहेगी इस केनस्टार कूलर मोटर के कनेक्शन हम किस तरह से करेंगे इन सभी चीजों को आज हम जानेंगे हमारे आज के केनस्टार कूलर मोटर वाइंडिंग डाटा आर्टिकल में.

The Rewinding the Kenstar air cooler is very easy, but if we compare its winding with the normal cooler, it is a bit difficult to rewinding it because the slot in the Kenstar Air Cooler Motor & symphony air cooler has less space than the normal cooler. The cooler that we are going to rewind today is the tower cooler of a Kenstar company which is used in most of the shop small cabin small rooms where there is less space. Kenstar air cooler motor winding.
 We will do the winding of the Kenstar cooler with Aluminium wire and it will have coil pitch 1-4,1-6. 1-4 pitch I will rotate the coil once and in 1-6 pitch twice in the coil, the running rewinding coil number will be 28, and the starting winding wire number will be 32 of Kenstar cooler motor winding data.
In this post below, you will have given a video, by which you can learn to rewind this motor very easily and at the same time you have given the connection diagram of this motor, by seeing which you can make the connection of this motor very easily with this winding data. Only and only aluminum wire and you have not used this wire number and Turn in copper wire.

  • Volts = 220
  • Phase = 1phase
  • Capacitor = 5mfd
  • Pole = 4pole
  • Rpm = 1440
  • Winding Wire = Copper Wire

Kenstar Cooler Motor Full Winding Data Is Here.

  • Slot=24
  • RUNNING PITCH  1-4 1-6
  • TURN   155 310
  • TURN 40 +   50  + 105
  • SWG    32  +  32   +    29   
  • coil.     1-4 (1 baar gumana)
  • Coil.      1-6( 2 baar gumana hai)
  • SWG Wire Number     29 Number
  • Winding wire = Copper Wire.
  • STARTING PITCH       1- 4-     1 – 6     
  • Turn                      165 330
  • SWG                            32 (Copper wire )
  • Winding Wire    = Copper Wire
  • Connection = Normal

Kenstar Cooler Motor Winding Video Here


Kenstar Air Cooler Motor Connection Diagram

Kenstar air cooler motor winding data With Aluminium Wire.

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