Single Speed Cooler Motor Winding| 3 Speed Cooler Motor Wiring Diagram | 4 Wire Cooler Motor Connection Diagram

Single speed cooler motor winding| 4 wire cooler motor connection diagram High speed cooler motor winding data Cooler wainding Cooler Connection with capacitor

In Single Speed Cooler Motor Winding Data There are two types of Stamping of the Cooler Motor one is 24 slots Cooler Motor and the second is 36 slots Cooler. There are two types of Cooler Motor Winding 24 slots and 36 slots. In the cooler’s 24 slots motor also in down Winding Like Running Winding Install number of 4 Coils. And also have 4 Coils in its starting winding. In the Cooler motor, we have installed a total number of 8 coils. And also a total of 8 coils is inserted in the 36 slots Cooler motor of 24 slots Cooler Motor Winding Data. in this post you can see Single-speed cooler motor winding | 4 wire cooler motor connection diagram | 3 speed cooler motor wiring diagram

सिंगल स्पीड कूलर मोटर में कूलर मोटर के दो प्रकार के स्टैम्पिंग होते हैं एक 24 स्लॉट्स और दूसरा 36 स्लॉट्स। कूलर मोटर Winding 24 स्लॉट्स और 36 स्लॉट्स दो प्रकार के होते हैं। कूलर की 24 स्लॉट्स मोटर में टोटल 8 कॉइल्स डाले जाते है जिनमे नीचे वाली रनिंग वाइंडिंग में –कॉइल्स और ऐसे ही उपर वाली स्टार्टिंग वाइंडिंग में भी 4 कॉइल्स ही डालेजाते है । और कुल 8 कॉइल 36 स्लॉट्स 24 स्लॉट्स कूलर मोटर विंडिंग डेटा के कूलर मोटर में डाले गए हैं।

Single speed cooler motor winding| 4 wire cooler motor connection diagram
Single speed cooler motor winding| 4 wire cooler motor connection diagram

Cooler motor mostly comes in 24 and 36 slots, the 24 Slot motor that we have can be in 3 speed and the 36 slots can be Rewind Easy Compare to 24 Slot Coller Motor with little comfort because the 36 slot motor It has more space than a 24 Slot motor.

Cooler Motor Winding?

कूलर मोटर ज्यादातर 24 और 36 स्लॉट्स में आती है, 24 स्लॉट कूलर मोटर जिसे हम 3 स्पीड में रेवान्डिंग कर सकते हैं और 36 स्लॉट्स कूलर मोटर को थोढ़ाआसानी से वाइंडिंग किए जा सकते हैं क्योंकि 36 स्लॉट मोटर में 24 स्लेट मोटर की तुलना में अधिक जगह है।

Whenever you Start to rewinding/winding the cooler motor, first clean the cooler motor thoroughly and then put the insulation paper in it. Insulation paper Use number 7 Numer, the paper which is number 7 should be white paper. You should never put a Green Sheet in the cooler motor because the green sheet does not work well in the cooler Motors. and Single speed cooler motor winding

जब भी आप कूलर की मोटर को रिवाइंड / वाइंड करना शुरू करें, तो पहले कूलर की मोटर को अच्छी तरह से साफ करें और फिर उसमें इंसुलेशन पेपर लगाएं। इंसुलेशन पेपर 7 Number का उपयोग करें नंबर , । आपको कूलर की मोटर में कभी भी हरे रंग की शीट नहीं डालनी चाहिए क्योंकि कूलर में हरी शीट पानी चलने की वजह से अच्छी तरह से काम नहीं करती है।

Cooler Motor Capacitor Value.

Cooler motor winding we mostly rewind at 1440 Rpm. This Motor Winding is also Rewinding in high-speed motors of some coolers.
In India and some Asian countries, this cooler motor operates at 200 -240 volts. You can install a capacitor of 4 mfd in a Cooler Motor Capacitor Capacity.

कूलर मोटर में कैपसिटर कौन सा लगाना चाहिए?

What is the use of condenser in cooler?

कूलर मोटर को हम ज्यादातर 1440 आरपीएम पर वाइंडिंगकरते हैं। कुछ कूलरों हाई स्पीड वाली मोटरों में भी वाइंडिंग होता है।
भारत और कुछ एशियाई देशों में, यह कूलर मोटर 200 -240 वोल्ट पर संचालित होती है। आप कूलर मोटर कैपेसिटर कैपेसिटी में 4 MFD का कैपेसिटर लगा सकते हैं।


Single Speed Cooler Motor Stamping Detail

  • Core length                  1 inch
  • Inner diameter              3 inch
  • Outer diameter              5 inch
  • Cooler Slot.   24
  • Watts 370
  • Rpm 1440
  • Cooler Motor Capacitor  = 4 MFD

4 pole motor winding.

capacitor 4 mfd in 220 volts to 240 volts.

5 mfd in the down voltage area.

VOLTS  =220

RPM = 1440

Single Phase Supply

Winding Wire = Copper Wire


Single speed cooler motor winding Data Here:-

अगर आप इस मोटर को सिर्फ और सिर्फ सिंगल स्पीड बनाना चाहते है तब आप चारो कॉइल्स में सिर्फ यही डाटा डाल सकते है. [ 29/150-300 ]

Running pitch             1-4 and 1-6

Running Turns             150      300

Coil.     1-4 (1 baar gumana)

Coil.      1-6( 2 baar gumana hai)

 Running Winding Swg Number   =   29 ( Wire Number ) [copper]

Cooler Motor Coil PitchCoil TurnCoil LayerWire NumberCoil SizeSlot
1- 41501 Round29 Number Copper Wire25 INCH24 Slot
1-63002 Round29 Number Copper Wire25 Inch24 Slot

4 Wire Cooler Motor Winding (Starting Winding)

Starting pitch   1-4 and. 1-6

Coil Pitch.            1-4.      1-6

Coil Turn              165.      330

Swg Starting Motor Winding     =   33 ( Wire Number ) [Copper]

Cooler Motor Coil PitchCoil TurnCoil LayerWire NumberCoil SizeSlots
1-41651 Round33 Number Copper Wire25 INCH24
1-63302 Round33 Number Copper Wire25 INCH24

Total coils 8 pc

4 coils in Running Winding and 4coils in Motor Starting Winding

Cooler Motor Coil size is    =   25.inch

4 wire cooler motor connection diagram

4 wire cooler motor connection diagram
4 wire cooler motor connection diagram

Cooler motor connection with condenser.

Cooler motor connection with condenser
Cooler motor connection with condenser

3 speed cooler motor wiring diagram.

3 speed cooler motor wiring diagram


How do you open a cooler motor?

mostly Cooler motor is fiiting with Four Iron Legs with can remove all the screws to open the cooler motor from cooler.

NexT if you want to open the whole cooler moter stator from cooler motor then you need to see this video.

How do you open a cooler motor?

What is the use of condenser in the cooler?

Here I think you means about Condensor is like Capacitor,bcz Condensor is not used in coolers.Condensor is mostly used in Air conditioner to to Transfer heat from the refrigerant to another medium like Water and air.

here in cooler we are used capacitor to start and help to Running the coolers mostly used Running capacitor Like 4mfd to 6mfd,it also start the motor and always Running with motor Regularly.

What is the use of condenser in cooler?

Why is my cooler motor running slow?

Cooler motor slow speed Common reason is Weal a Cpacitor,Cooler winding burn,if you capacitor is weak then your cooler speed is Running slow.

you can Replace a new capacitor with old capacitor to increase the Cooler speed.Why is my cooler motor running slow?

Which capacitor is used in cooler?

Capacitor value4 Mfd
Temperature85 deg c
Cooler TypeDesert COOLER
Which capacitor is used in cooler?

How do you connect a capacitor to a cooler?

Mostly in single speed cooler we have four wires,Like 2 wires Red from Running Winding and Two Wires Black Colour from Starting our diagram you can check out here how you can make connection of cooler with capacitor.

How do you connect a capacitor to a cooler?

How can I increase the speed of my cooler motor?

There is no way to increase the speed of normal cooler.

it is possible to increase speed if your capacitor is weak and then your cooler not giving proper speed ,in that case you can replace the cooler motor capacitor to increase the speed of your cooler.

Why cooler fan is jammed?

The normal reason to jammed a cooler fan is Your fan motor shaft summer season cooler fan is running regularly like 08 hr to 12 hr, in that case, Cooler fan shaft and the bush is to wear you can easily replace the cooler fan shaft bush to solve the problem of cooler motor.

here is the full information with video how you can replace the cooler motor shaft bush.

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